Something about Jainism
Jainism Jainism is guided by the tirthankaras, they are consider as the creator of the Jainism They suggests the path o…
Jainism Jainism is guided by the tirthankaras, they are consider as the creator of the Jainism They suggests the path o…
Buddhism The founder of Buddhism was Gautam Buddha The primary (original) name of Gautam Buddha was Siddhartha He was b…
Later Vedic age (1000-600)BC The remaining three Vedas were written in this age. Also Bhrahmanas, Arayank and Upanishad we…
Vedic Age The Vedic age the one of the most important part in the whole Indian History Early Vedic Age Due to Vedas (O…
INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION Initially this civilization was known as Harappan civilization because earliest excavations were …
Communicable Diseases There are various kinds of communicable diseases, which affect the health of human beings. These disea…
Drainage system of India India blessed with hundreds of large small rivers which drains the length and breadth of the count…