Vedic Age
The Vedic age the one of the most important part in the whole Indian History
Early Vedic Age
Due to Vedas (Ocean of knowledge books). This age is known as the Vedic age. We can also say that this was the golden age for India.
Here we discussing about the Actual life of the Vedic people’s in this age starting from 1500BC
The Aryans
This age begins with Aryans.
They attracted in India from the Poland.
The Vedic god’s named as Mitra, Varuna, Nasatya and Indra.
Generally the Vedic age is divided in two parts namely
i. Early Vedic Age from 1500 BC – 1000 BC
ii. Later Vedic Age 1000 BC – 600 BC
Early Vedic age
Generally this age is considered from the age 1500 BC but some scholars believe that the age begins with 2000BC.
The first veda Rigveda was written in this age by Aryans.
Settlements of Aryans
The Aryans were firstly settled at the region East Afghanistan, Punjab and Utter Pradesh. This region was known for the sapta Sindhu (the land of seven rivers?
These seven rivers were Indus(Sindhu), Jhelum, Ravi, Chenab, Beas, Sutlej, and Saraswati.
They were cultivator and preferred cattle farming.
The upper class in the Aryans was Warrior.
The tribe was Jana. The basic unit of society was family or Graham. The head of the Aryans known as the Grihapati.
The ladies provided equal freedom as compare to the male.
There were a joint family pattern in the Aryans and the eldest member is know as the Kulapa.
The assemblies were Sabha, Samiti, Gana and Vidhata.
They believe in the nature superpowers and worship the natural Wealth.
The temples in this age not founded.
They worship the god by Mantra.
Gods Indra, Mitra, Varun, and Nasatya were mentioned on the Boghazkai inscription
Division in Society
There was no cast system in the society But they gave the highest preference to Warriors. Non Aryans were called as Dasas and Shudras.
Women had full respect in the society. Women can participate with her husband in the Regional sacrifices.
There was no Child marriage system in the Aryans. They marry the girls after 17 years.
The purdah and sati system was unknown to this society.
Indra He worshiped as ‘God of War’
Some hymns are dedicated to the Indra
Agni 200 hymns are dedicated to the Agni.
This god was known as the intermediary between God and Man.
He was the Father of Indra.
Goddes Usha, Aditi, Prithvi, Aryani
Goddes of Dawn Usha
Mother of Gods. Aditi
Earth Prithvi
Forest Aryani
Aryans believe that whatever happens in the world is due to the desire of God.
It was known as the God of Planets.
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