Later Vedic age (1000-600)BC
The remaining three Vedas were written in this age.
Also Bhrahmanas, Arayank and Upanishad were composed.
The age also known as Painted Grey Ware(PGW)
Aryans were settled at sapt Sindhu at early but they migrated to the middle India. Some were settled in delhi, Punjab and Upper Gangetic Doab.
There is proof for settling of the Aryans in the eastward direction named as Satpatha Brahmana
The religion
The interesting thing happened in this age was the collapsed the importance of the early god of the Aryans
Means new gods named as Prajapati, Vishnu and Rudra were popularized
Formation of Empires
These settlements were turned into the empire due to increased in the population and raised the issue from neibour enemies
They established their king or emperor named as Samrat
The importance of women started downward for the assemblies.
The concept of Rastra was raised in this period.
Established the new Army for the protection of the all kingdom or emperor
The system of the Emperor is given below
Commander on chief = senapati
Charioteer = suta
Treasurer = sangrahita
Tax collector = bhagdhugha
Chief queen = mahisi
Game companion = Aksavapa
Social Life in the Later Vedic age
The cast was divided into four parts
The casts were divided on the basis of the occupation
Later on this concept become hereditary. Means the son will continue the occupation of his father.
The casts were
Bramhins (priests)
Vaishyas(Agriculturist, cattle rearers, traders) and Shudras(servers of the upper three)
Also the importance of women compared with the men
Chariot racing was the main sport and glambing was the main pastime
Gotra Institution was formed at that time.
The Vedic people known for their pottery like black ware, red ware, black stripped ware and painted grey
Many instruments like dishes, utensils were used by pots.
The painted pots were very popular at that time and used in upper class family.
Veda is the word derived from the Sanskrit language vid
And it is known as sacred Knowledge.
Generally from far time ago the Vedas were exists but they were pronounced in only oral form from the master to the their followers. But at the time (1500 -500) BC these sets were become written. Therefore this age is known as Vedic age and that’s why Vedas also called Shruti That means what is heard.
Now let know this Vedas in shortly
The Rig Veda
The Rig Veda is made up Of 10 books and contain 1028 hymns of 10600 verses.
In the Rig Veda many questions are asked to the god.
These questions are about supreme over soul, the source of existence.
The 10 th mandala contains contains the famous purusha sukta hymns and explained the certain origin of four varnas. The hymns of Rig Veda were recited by Hotri.
The Yajur Veda
It is divided in to Shukla Yajurveda and Krishna Yajurveda.
It is written in prose and hymns also
The procedure for performance of sacrifices are mentioned in this veda.
These were recited by Adhvaryu.
Sama veda
The word sama tell us that the Sama veda is described with music.
It contains 1875 verses.(Durupada Raga)
Most of the hymns has been forwarded from the Rig Veda.
The hymns were recited by Udgatri.
The Atharva Veda
The Atharvaveda is listed with the Mantras
The Sabha and Samiti are the mentioned as the daughters of Prajapati in this veda
This Veda is also called Brahma Veda
It is the collection of 730 hymns with about 6000 mantras and divided into 20 books
Some hymns are in the Veda is for the soldiers who going to the war.
They explain the Vedas in an orthodox way.
They explain the hidden meanings behind the hymns.
Shatapatha Bhramhana
It is the largest Brahmana book. It has the story of Vidiha and also the first disaster
The Aranyakas
The authers of the Aranyakas were some sages dwelling in the forest and explained Vedic texts for their pupils in the form of Aranyakas.
Aranyakas are known as the forest books.
They form the concluding part of Brahmanas.
Some Upavedas are given below.
• Ayur Veda pertains to medicines
• Shanur Veda pertains to art of warfare.
• Gandharva Veda pertains to music
• Silpa Veda pertains to art and literature.
The Upanishad
According to the Upanishad the knowledge is gained by sitting close to the teacher.
Many concepts are discussed in the Upanishad are the nature of God, the origin and the death of mankind, origin of universe etc.
They are also known as the Vedanta
There are 108 Vedanta written in 800-500 BC
Satyamev Jayate is extracted from Munduka Upanishad
Vedangas(Limbs of Vedas)
The vedangas are treaties on Science and Arts.
The six vedangas are Shiksha, kalpa, vyakarna, canda, Nirukta and Jyotisha.
Yaska’s Nirukta is the oldest linguistic text.
Nyaya – Gautam
Vaisheshika – Kanada
Sankhya – kapil
Yoga – Patanjali
Purva mimamsa – Jaimini
Uttar mimamsa – Vyasa
Smriti is also known as the Dharma Shastra,
The ruls of the religion are mentioned in the Smriti
Manusmriti is the oldest and most famous.
Manu is supposed as the law maker.
18 Puranas in which Matsya, Vishnu, Varaha, Vamana
These are also the Vedic literature
Ramayana Mahabharata are the epics of this age.
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ASG India