

The founder of Buddhism was Gautam Buddha

The primary (original) name of Gautam Buddha was Siddhartha

He was born in 563BC(Not Sure). In sal groove of Lumbini gardenin Kapilavastu.

His father was Shuddhodana and mother was Mahamaya

His wife was Yashodhara and cousin was Devdatta.

His son’s name was Rahul.

The mother of Buddha was died in 7 days after the birth of Siddhartha then he grew up by Mahaprajapati Gautami.

One day during wandering or looking around at the the premises he noticed that everyone was in trouble and the final answer was death.

He left his home at the age of 29 for finding the answer.

This incident is known as Mahabhinishkramana.

He went to Alara Kalam and After that he joined Rudraka then Uruvela.

Buddha got enlightenment under the pipal tree known as Bodhi tree located in Gaya.

He had given his first sermon at Sarnath. 

Buddha died at the age of 80 near vaishali in 483 BC 

Later in his death was known as Mahaparinirvana.

Teachings of Buddha 

Four noble truths 

  1. Sabnam dukham
  2. The world is full of sorrows 
  3. Dwadash nidan 
  4. The cause of sorrow is desire 

Dukh nirodha 

Cessation of sorrow 

Dukh nirodhagamini pratipad 

The path leading to the cessation of sorrow

Eight fold path 

Right understanding

Right thought 

Right speech 

Right action 

Right livelihood 

Right effort 

Right mindfulness 

Right concentration

Code in conduct 

Do not tell a lie 

Do not use intoxicants 

Do not indulge in corrupt practices

Do not commit violence 

Do not convert the property of others 





Buddhist councils 

First councils 

It was held in 483 BC At Sattapanni cave near rajagriha 

It was in the chairmanship of Maha Kassapa. Here Vinaya Pitika were compiled by Upali and Ananda respectively. 

Second council 

It was held at Vaishali in 383 BC during the region of Kalashoka. 

The chairman was sabakami 

The council led to division into Sthavirvadins and Mahasamghikas 

Third council held in 250 BC 

At Pataliputra during the region of Ashoka 

Forth council held on AD 72 

Held during the region Kanishka in Kashmir under the president ship of Vasumitra and Ashwaghosga 

Buddhist Literature 

Vinaya Tripitaka 

Contains rules and regulations monastic discipline for monks. 

Sutta pitaka 

It is a collection Buddha’s sermon and is divided into five groups 

Abhidhamma Pitaka 

Investigates mind and matter to help the understanding of things as they truly are. 


ASG India 🇮🇳


Hello, my name is Tejas Giri, I am university student and aspirant of Indian armed forces

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